Friday, August 1, 2008

NCCN Graphic Identity

Before I was hired, the network and the Natural Resource Program Center in Fort Collins had created an assignment for a class of graphic design students at Colorado State University: develop a graphic identity for the North Coast and Cascades Network. This includes items like a logo, color palette, typographical style guide, brochures, business cards and folder design.

While we were impressed with their efforts, it was also apparent that they were at a disadvantage by being so far removed from our Pacific Northwest landscape. So I've been asked to try my hand at it, to synthesize their ideas and filter it through my perspective as someone who intimately knows the network and our natural resources.

I've started off with the logo and color scheme- two foundational components that influence all other aspects of design. I think I've nailed the colors: a dark evergreen, a light cool granite gray, a dark warmer cloudy gray, and a wet ocean blue. I've also included 4 accent colors- like the bright green of new vegetation in the spring or the bright red of huckleberries.

The logo, on the other hand, has given me the most trouble. How does one accurately represent such diverse national parks? Here are the results of some brainstorm sessions.

This is the best that I've come up with though it's pretty safe and conventional. Because it's the first thing I think of when I think "Coast" and "Cascades", I know I can do better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like......