I’m posting earlier this week because I’m headed back to Michigan for a family wedding. As I’m finishing packing and coordinating last minute travel logistics, I also made it a point to print off examples of the communication projects we’ve been working on. There’s certainly a lot that we’ve done since May and I’m really excited about the rest of our projects this summer!
Here’s a quick preview of some graphics I’ve developed this past week. Like most of the products on this blog, they’re in draft form and up for review.
A couple simple charts that introduces the different parks in our network as well as showing where each vital sign is being monitored.

I’ve been working with Sam Brenkman of Fish Assemblages to develop an example of monitoring data. This shows the number of fish counted as they travel through the North Fork Skokomish River, Olympic National Park, throughout the year in 1996. As he explained to me, this shows the temporal segregation of the three species of fish: Mountain Whitefish and Rainbow Trout occur in greater numbers during the summer while the Bull Trout doesn’t arrive until autumn.

An interesting lesson in graphically representing data. When plotted with the original data from Microsoft Excel, this is the graph that occurs.

What Excel fails to take into account is that the sampling dates don’t occur at regular intervals. So I made the X-axis based off of the calendar, with each unit equal to one day. This might be a really nit-picky detail, but I think it’s important in having a more accurate graph.
And this 3-D representation of the ranger icon is something I threw around 11pm a couple nights ago. I’ve got an idea of how to use it in a future project…stay tuned!

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